Friday, August 24, 2012

Reasons to Ride a Bicycle to Work

There are quite a few good reasons to try using your bicycle to get to work. These are things like saving money, losing weight, helping the environment, and staying healthy so we can all live longer. Another thing to consider is that a bike is a lot cheaper than a car. If you own a car, you have to pay for the tags, gas, insurance, maintenance, and be the taxi for those who do not have a car, or a bicycle. Bikes are one of the most environmental friendly forms of transportation, since a person’s energy is a highly renewable resource.

Riding a bike to work is a great way to save money in times of bad economic situations. If you cannot see how, just compare how much the monthly oil change costs on your car, and how much it costs to change the oil in your bicycle. Your bicycle does not use oil, does it? That is only 1 way and you do not have to think very hard about other ways riding a bicycle can save you a lot of money.

Bike riding (not only to work) is also a good answer to the problem of being overweight. Riding a bike for 10 minutes a day will keep burning calories for 8 hours. This boosts metabolism, and helps overweight people shed those pounds, and keep them off. Riding a bike is good exercise for anybody, and it should be done even if it is not the main form of transportation. Touching back to a person’s energy, this will also help the bike rider make healthier choices when it comes to what to eat and drink.

Even though cars are designed to use less gas and require less maintenance these days, the simple fact is that they still use those things. Electric cars even use gas and oil because of the fuel needed to charge the batteries. This is not acceptable, and with all of the technology we have access to there is absolutely no reason why car manufacturers are still making vehicles that run on gasoline, diesel, or any other kind of petroleum based product. Petroleum based products have to e burned to create energy, and burning them creates hydrocarbons, which is the reason that there is a hole in the atmosphere causing global warming. This is also the reason why HAARP uses chem-trails to thwart the effects of that global warming. The bad thing about chem-trails for cloud seeding is that they throw the magnetic field of the planet off, which causes earthquakes on the other side of the world. As you can see riding a bike can very easily help save the planet, and if you don’t believe any of this to be true a quick Google search will straighten things out for you.

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